Cyberterrorism – A Devastating Reality

One of the crudest but also true-to-life jokes about the advent of online goes like this: “Terrorist organizations have decided to get into online crime to keep up to date. They have just launched a new app called Pay-Up-Pal.” A joke, yes, but one that is driving cyber criminals today, hell-bent on making online fraud, […]
Breach Fatigue Tips for Protecting Your Organization in a Constant Cyber Threat Landscape

Introduction The Aesop fable of the boy who repeatedly raised false alarms about a big bad wolf teaches us that people may become inured to repeated warnings, even if they are eventually proven true. This resonates with how people are currently responding to data breaches – they are becoming more accepting of them rather than […]
What’s on the Horizon? Top Cybersecurity Predictions for 2023 by Aurora President, Philip de Souza

2023 – The year of things cyber Just about recovering from the ravages of Covid-19, only to see it resurface, 2023 seems to be the year of things cyber, going by some of the major predictions that are doing the rounds. This is despite climate change continuing to be a hot topic the world over. […]