Attacks on Critical Infrastructure – An Uphill Battle

In May 2021 when the gasoline supplies to the East Coast of the US went down as a consequence of the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, nobody foresaw the mass panic that the hack would entail. Breaching the internal systems which controlled the company’s billing and supplies with the aid of a compromised password, DarkSide crippled […]
State-Sponsored Cyber Terrorism: A Harbinger of Things to Come

Introduction In the beginning, there was Stuxnet. The year was 2010, and the world had not yet encountered a cyberweapon. Stuxnet, a computer worm unleashed on Siemens systems deployed in Iran’s uranium facilities, successfully slowed down and significantly damaged the centrifuges used to separate elements in the uranium gas. Infecting the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), […]
Dark Data: What It Is and Why It Need Not Be So Dark After All

There is an ominous ring to the word ‘dark’. The words dark web, dark matter, and dark night, to name just a few, evoke feelings of fear and anxiety. Dark data is no different. Getting its name from its invisible nature, dark data is being increasingly considered a problem in the making for organizations. Gartner […]