Enhancing Productivity and Security: The Case for a Clean Desk Policy in Organizations

In a corporate world seemingly already overwhelmed with a variety of policies – HR, Safety, Infotech, HSE, to name just a few – it may seem the addition of the Clean Desk Policy (CDP) is one more in a long list of policies that employees in an organization are required to follow. Not so, especially […]
Exploring the Synergy: Big Data, AI, and the Human Interface

Think about the future and the John Lennon hit Imagine comes readily to mind. Though the iconic singer-songwriter alluded to a non-material world in the song, its central theme, so aptly represented by its title, could easily refer to the times in which we live. As the cyber world takes quantum strides with the introduction […]
The Dark Side of Technology: Deepfakes and their Threat to Cyber Security

Introduction In 2019, when the head of a UK energy firm (1) received an urgent call from the CEO of the company’s German headquarters, advising that he immediately transfer a sum of GBP 220,000 to a Hungarian supplier, he had absolutely no reason to doubt the authenticity of the call. After all such interactions at […]