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The Hidden Dangers of Pig Butchering Scams

There is an air of despair about him that is almost pitiable, but the despair makes you want to listen to his advice to tread warily when it comes to unsolicited calls and promises of quid pro settlements. Having lost over USD 500,000 including his property which he sold, Barry May (1), a 62-year old […]

The Importance of Employee Reporting in Cybersecurity

The 2017 Uber hack that was discovered thanks to a vigilant employee is still heard in cybersecurity circles whenever the conversation turns to employee vigilance and reporting. In the now-famous hack, a vigilant employee reported that another employee was accessing unauthorized records and stealing sensitive customer data. Uber cybersecurity teams promptly swung into action, but […]

Combating QR Code Scams: An Uphill Battle

When Leonardo da Vinci completed his famed Mona Lisa painting during the Italian Renaissance in the early 1500s, it was almost to be expected that the artist would produce a masterpiece. Yet the painting, now resting in the Louvre Museum in Paris, became over time the object of considerable study that continues till today. The […]