Export Administration Regulations (EAR) is a set of US Government regulations that deals with the export and temporary import of items designed for commercial use, which could have military application (Dual Use). The sensitive information in an EAR context is usually defined as “Technical Data” which includes; articles, technology, software, and other information necessary for development/production or use of a product. Parties deemed responsible for classification under EAR must define dual use items according to the Commerce Control List (CCL) EAR regulations dictate that technical data pertaining to Dual Use items (Referred to as “Deemed Exports”) may only be shared with U.S citizens. The sensitive date must also be subsequently protected in order to maintain its confidentiality. One of, if not the most, important step in having an EAR compliant data security strategy is the process of Data Classification.
How Failure of Cybersecurity Tools Are Impacting Business Operations
Introduction In the late forties when American aerospace engineer Edward Murphy suffered the mortification of witnessing a mishap in his rocket sled tests, he unwittingly