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Honoring and Thanking Cybersecurity Teams

Holding cybersecurity as a focus of our business, it is important for us to appreciate all of the security teams that we work with to protect customer data. Whether it is Aurora’s internal security teams, our partners, or the customers that we work with, join us in celebrating them. Here are some of the many […]

Making Cybersecurity a Priority

Cybersecurity should be your first consideration when conducting business and navigating the web. As your business constantly adopts new technologies and policies to adapt to a fast-growing world, security should also be considered. Ask yourself if this new technology is protected by your existing cybersecurity tools and take the actions necessary if you are not […]

It’s Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day: Why You Should Celebrate

Every year on the third Monday in October, “Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day” is celebrated. Just like how our physical desktops need to be cleaned for finger smudges and food crumbs, our virtual desktop needs cleaning too. There are many benefits of cleaning your virtual desktop—one of them being improving your cybersecurity posture. Performance If […]

Red, Blue, and Purple Teaming – What’s the Difference

Many mature and sophisticated infosec teams are moving their focus from traditional penetration testing engagements to Red Teaming exercises. As you consider this move, what should you look for in a Red Team vendor? Capabilities and objectives can vary wildly. For starters, let’s look at the differences between red teaming and what’s known as purple […]

Where Do National Cybersecurity Improvements Begin?

Even organizations with cybersecurity measures in place are being affected by cyberattacks. Critical infrastructure, healthcare, and state & local government agencies have been frequent targets for attackers. An attack on any organization can impact far more than just customers and employees. As the cybersecurity community, how can we recommend improvements that can minimize the impact […]

23 Years Later: Improving the Security of Google Products

If you’re tuning in on September 7th, it’s Google’s Birthday! In honor of Google Commemoration Day, we did some googling ourselves to understand the history of Google and its relationship to cybersecurity. Believe it or not, Aurora had already been in business when google was released. Yes, we were able to solve customer problems without […]

What Biden’s Memo on Critical Infrastructure Means for You

Two months after releasing an Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, Biden has released a Memorandum on Improving Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure Control Systems. Both releases signal the white house’s focus on improving cybersecurity following several high-profile cybersecurity attacks affecting critical infrastructure. This memo established an Industrial Control Systems (ISC) Cybersecurity Initiative, which is […]

Level Up Your Endpoint Security

Most security-conscious companies will have an endpoint security solution in their environment to better protect the devices used at their organization. Having tools such as anti-malware, antivirus, and firewall are an important way to minimize your chance of an attack. During this time when the worst kind of malware, ransomware, is increasingly costly and frequent, […]

How State & Local Government Organizations Are Receiving Cybersecurity Funding

As a part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds may make your state and local government organization eligible to receive funding for the expansion of cybersecurity. The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds is intended to replace lost revenue for eligible state and local organizations […]

Security Risks of Returning to the Office

After working from home since March, organizations are eagerly inviting their workers back to the office on a full-time or hybrid basis. Managers see the benefit of bringing back in-person collaboration and utilizing office space that has been vacant for over a year. At the same time, security experts are concerned that this shift will […]