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Reflection On National Internet Day

Archimedes famously said, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world.” Back in 200 BC when Archimedes made scientific and mathematical discoveries, he would’ve never imagined the orders of magnitude impact the technological discovery of the internet would have on the world. Now, […]

Helping Healthcare Organizations #BeCyberSmart

This year, we’ve seen a rise in telemedicine and remote medical records. Although these changes have been an important adaptation to challenges associated with a global health crisis, this has increased the vulnerability for healthcare organizations and their customers to cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity is one of the many challenges that healthcare workers are facing today. At […]

What Could Be Harming Your Cybersecurity?

People are often the weakest link and the most under-invested component of organization’s security strategy. Our security training fills this gap by providing interactive on-demand and instructor-led education that is accessible 24×7. Training is role-focused and can be customized to your security requirements and environment. Each employee, in every position, can play a role in […]

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This year, with increased cyber-attacks and increased sophistication of hackers, spreading cybersecurity awareness is especially crucial. This year the theme is #BeCyberSmart. Here’s how we’ll be celebrating: 1. What Role Can You Play? Using secure passwords is way for individuals to play a role in their own cyber security. We […]

Our WFH Check In

September marked the 6th month of working from home. In the past six months, we have seen spikes of cyber security challenges for many organizations and adjustments being made as our work and home lives collide. For the Aurora team, the silver lining of increased change has been thinking out of the box. Here are […]

Take Control of Your Organization’s Security Policy

Take Control of Your Organization’s Security Policy

Developing and maintaining Security Policy Development is critical for an organization’s security posture. Security policy development allows your security policies to better align with the objectives and best practices of your business. In addition, it aids in addressing the risk and compliance requirements of your organization’s chosen security framework. All companies are vulnerable to cyber […]

Are Your Applications Putting You at Risk for Cyber Attacks?

Web applications are often a target for attackers. When applications are not properly tested, they can provide access to sensitive data or can even fully compromise operating systems. Application security is increasingly complex and difficult to navigate. Industry regulations for HIPAA, PCI and Red Flag require application security testing. Conducting an Application Security Assessment can […]

Is Your Cybersecurity Posture up to Par?

Many managers have a false sense of security when it comes to the cyber security posture of their organization. Security attacks are becoming more complex and frequent as our internet usage continues to rise. Instead of hoping for the best, organizations can implement regular cyber security risk assessments to minimize the risk of cyber-attacks on […]

Is Your Data Being Misused?

Staying connected with coworkers and clients is crucial. However, with more of our communication being done online, your personal and professional data is at risk for cyber-attacks. Hackers are on the rise and working from home has increased the vulnerability of protected data. Your organization’s data is now being accessed from many different sources. Data […]

Educational Institutions Must Include Cybersecurity

In Los Angeles, where the Aurora HQ is located, and in school districts across the country, students are going back to school at home. Whether they are accessing virtual lessons through devices provided by the school or on the family desktop, students are using the internet as an essential part of their education. With an […]