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Lighting up Shadow IT

Securing an on-premise IT eco-system is daunting enough but as users, teams, and organizations start relying upon services (Office 365, Google, Azure, AWS) in the cloud, the task of securing corporate data over unsanctioned data highways starts becoming an overwhelming task. According to Symantec, the average enterprise has over 1,500 cloud apps in use. Roughly, […]

Top 7 Reasons Why DLP is Important for a CSO

Top 7 Reasons Why DLP is Important for a CSO 47% of enterprises losing data in the cloud at one time or another Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is set to become front and center again for every Chief Security Officer (CSO)! You may be asking why? This is because it will enable businesses to protect […]

Password Protection Tips

Password security is key to keeping your information safe from hackers. It is one of many preventatives measures you can take to protect yourself and your business! In this area of so much hacking and breaching of data we want to make sure you know some key points about password protection! Five Things to Know […]

A word from the CEO, Volume 5: “Cybersecurity & Valuations”

         Recently, I attended a local CEO peer group in which the conversation gravitated towards the topic of exit strategies. Many business owners think about how they would eventually exit their business; some actually formulate a plan while most figure life and business will take it’s natural course. As the conversation continued we agreed that […]

A word from the CEO, Volume 4: “One Size Never Fits All..”

I recently saw this great article by a renowned Cybersecurity Strategist out defining the role of a CISO. In a large enterprise these roles could be assigned to a member within a security team, and while not easy, the task could be broken down and addressed. The point however is that security threats do not […]

A word from the CEO, Volume 3: “What we can learn from Millennials”

“Millennials” Probably the most overused and abused word these days. It’s a word that can invoke awe, praise, fear, confusion and wonder all in one. My most recent “millennial moment” was when I realized that I was talking to an HR Coach about hiring, managing, and working with millennials only to do the math and […]

Healthcare; A targeted industry for Ransomware Attacks

The recent data security breach at Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center earlier this month validates the ongoing threat of healthcare companies being highly targeted and vulnerable to Cybersecurity Breaches. This is due to the fact that such organizations must store extremely sensitive and highly confidential patient data. These attacks can often be devastating, and in the […]

Symantec is Encryption Leader in 2016 Magic Quadrant – Again

Endpoint encryption has become a commodity in modern business. With so much data flying around these days, encryption is become increasingly required like never before, whether it be through government mandated compliance or out of necessity for basic data security. As the market for endpoint encryption grows, the race for the best product and biggest […]

A word from the CEO, Volume 2: “Does the bad beget the good?”

We recently made a trip to the mysterious and ever evasive South American continent. Mysterious only because I know about the continent in general, but little about the subtle variations in culture between the countries. High on the list for this trip was Machu Picchu of course and Brazil. As any good tourists we did […]

A word from the CEO, Volume 1: “Some things never change”

Like most Business owners I remember the early days of setting up Aurora, the late hours, the constant stress, the nervousness and the excitement of solving problems and creating something through technology. There was also the mandatory reading list for entrepreneurs: E-Myth, Good Great, 7 Habits, along with a myriad of other picks. Just when […]