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Paging Dr. Chrono

Data breaches in the healthcare field are a significant concern that Aurora has tried to not only highlight, but to provide solutions to prevent. We also hear from customers about growing trepidation over the security of mobile devices, and not just cell phones but tablets such as the iPad. A startup company called DrChrono has […]

Filling the Holes

Computerworld magazine published an insightful piece on six enterprise security leaks that should be addressed. Read the piece here: ( The list begins with unauthorized smartphones on Wi-Fi networks. While many companies have introduced policies prohibiting employees from using personal devices at the office, it is commonplace for workers to sneak in a phone call […]

A Face in the Crowd

While many of us can’t even remember what the business world was like in the pre-Internet era, the transfer of so much of our personal and professional information into a virtual online world is really still in its infancy compared to the other forms of communication that have existed for centuries. Why is this important? […]

Phishing Smarter

“Phishing” attacks aren’t new. You know the kind…”Craigslist needs you to confirm an account because it’s temporarily suspended” or “Some some person in Nigeria needs you to wire some money and your generosity will be rewarded handsomely!” For the most part they have been easy to spot even if they successfully get through the anti-spam-phishing-virus-bot-dos-reputation-system-algorithm […]


I’m sure this is not the news the shareholders were hoping for days after LinkedIn went public. This vulnerability can affect up to 100 registered users. The vulnerability lies in the way the cookies are handled. If you are interested in knowing exactly how this can be done you can find more information here. He […]

Laptop Security: One School Learns a Hard Lesson

The Freehold Community School, located in the British city of Oldham, made news around the world recently, but not by choice. The school renowned for academic achievement earned a failing grade in data security, after the personal data of 90 students was obtained from a stolen laptop computer. The laptop, taken from the car of […]

Securing the Cloud

With its advantages in cost, convenience and performance already established, security has become the next battlefront for companies deciding whether a cloud computing solution is right for them. Can sensitive data be secured in a virtual environment? The answer is yes. Companies still working with aging equipment and hard drives are more vulnerable to a […]