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Remote Working and the Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape

As cases of Covid 19 spiral downwards, organizations the world over are slowly getting back to ‘on-site’ working – the ‘old’ normal. In real terms, many have loosely evolved to a hybrid style of working, with employees working part-time in the office and part-time from home. Loosely because these decisions, as in the peak Covid […]

Internet of Things (IoT) – Technology Without Borders

When the ARPANET [1], generally regarded as the forerunner of the internet with its WAN ideology and the precursor of the Internet of Things  (IoT) was invented in the mid-sixties, no one would have imagined the potential it carried or the exponential growth it would spur, let alone the innumerable offshoots that it would produce. […]

Online Fraud Detection – A Holistic Approach

Juniper, in its Online Payment Fraud 2020 2025 Summary, estimated that the global eCommerce fraud volumes were in the vicinity of $20 billion, with North America accounting for almost 45 to 50% of that [1]. And the UK-based digital research agency goes on to predict in a press note that the annual losses in the […]

Multi Factor Authentication and Continuous Behavioral Authentication

The process of onboarding a suitable candidate to an organization, perhaps offers the best analogy to understand the meaning of Authentication Factors. To ensure the ‘right’ person for the position, organizations carry out a variety of tests to ascertain the background, bona fides, technical knowledge and acumen, cognitive ability, personality, and health of the candidate. […]

Securities and Exchange Commission to introduce new Cybersecurity Disclosure rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is set to put in place a new set of directives that will make organizations more responsible for their cybersecurity measures and activities. The move is intended to shore up the confidence levels of their investors, by providing greater levels of transparency about the cybersecurity fabric of the organization. […]

MDR – Delivering Results via Technology and Teams

In the 1983 film War Games, amongst the earliest movies on cybersecurity, officials rush in the hackers of a supercomputer, designed to work without human interface. At stake is a world war that stands to be triggered by the supercomputer. Cut to 4 decades later. Security Operations Centers (SOCs) are reeling under the dual pressures […]

Identity Access Management – The Need of the Hour

In one of the most famous cases of identity theft and wrongful access of confidential data, David M Read of Virginia stole the American Express Card of actress Demi Moore in 2018. He then obtained her Social Security Number (SSN) and other personal information online and used the card to binge shop to the extent […]

Edge Computing Security in an Expanding Cybersecurity Landscape

For want of a better description for Edge Computing Security in layman’s terms, and though comparisons can sometimes be out of place – think of America’s proposed Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) – often referred to in jest as the Star Wars Program – which was intended to thwart any ballistic threat to the nation. Edge […]


To understand what XDR (Extended Detection and Response) stands for in layman’s terms, one could perhaps use the analogy of defence systems trying to repel an attack from aliens in a kind of Star Wars scenario.   In the cybersecurity world where threats are more the rule than the exception, nothing could be more embarrassing than […]


Imagine Alibaba and his band of forty thieves at the portals to the legendary treasure cave. ‘Open Sesame!’ he says, expecting the door to permit him entry. To his surprise, a voice booms: ‘Access denied! We have upgraded our access system. Sesame is no longer valid. Please speak clearly so we can identify you.’ Far-fetched? […]