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The 5 W’s of Data Classification

There are several routes to Regulatory Compliance, but the journey has to include Data Classification. At the heart of becoming compliant, is an effective Data Security Strategy – which in the perfect world would keep our information assets safe from unauthorized access (aka Hackers and Data Thieves). Regardless of the compliance requirement: HIPAA, ITAR, EAR, PCI, […]

EAR Compliance and Data Classification

Export Administration Regulations (EAR) is a set of US Government regulations that deals with the export and temporary import of items designed for commercial use, which could have military application (Dual Use). The sensitive information in an EAR context is usually defined as “Technical Data” which includes; articles, technology, software, and other information necessary for […]

Data Security Best Practices for EAR Compliance

EAR Compliance is very similar to ITAR Compliance. However, while ITAR covers military items or defense related technical data, EAR Regulates items designed for commercial purpose which could have military applications such as computers or software (Dual Use). Logically, this includes technical data as well as other information stored on servers and hard drives. As […]

AB 1149 Aurora Releases “Compliance Data Security” White Paper

Aurora has just released a new white paper documenting the Best Practices for Data Security in regard to AB 1149 Compliance. AB 1149 is a new bill which requires notification of data breaches for local and county government agencies. With the goal of Identity Theft prevention, AB 1149 mandates that local and country government agencies […]

AB 1149 Demands IT Security Compliance for Local and County Government

Data Security strategy has often been the result of government mandated compliance requirements. With regulations governing the use of payment cards ( PCI ) to healthcare industry information ( HIPAA ), services such as hosted laptop encryption, data loss prevention, endpoint security, firewalls and other data security offerings have acted as “insurers” to safety and […]

Aurora Releases ITAR Compliance Best Practices White Paper for Data Security

Aurora has released a comprehensive white paper on ITAR Compliance Best Pratices for Data Security. As ITAR Compliance becomes further intertwined with the IT world, it is important to understand how to keep your organization protected and compliant with ITAR guidelines to avoid costly breaches and penalties. Stay in the know with Aurora’s ITAR Compliance […]

Data Security Best Practices for ITAR Compliance

What can organizations do to protect data with regards to ITAR compliance? We listed a short, summarized list below that can help organizations with ITAR compliance through some data security best-practices. It is important to understand that data security is not an end result, but a continuous journey in protecting your information assets. We implement […]

The Importance of Data Classification

Data is truly not created equal. We’re all concerned about Data theft, be it credit card information, healthcare (PHI) information, or private and confidential employee data or trade secrets. In recent cases, we have heard a lot about corporate espionage and hacking threats from competing nation states. Well, how do we go about protecting our […]