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Varonis Express Risk Assessment

Security is at the top of everyone’s mind: without proper insight into where sensitive data lives and who has access to it, organizations are at significant risk from external and internal threats. We‘ve made our Express Risk Assessment completely free for a limited time. We‘ll outline your problem areas, prioritize risk, and give concrete steps to take to improve your data security.

How Does It Work?

Aurora and Varonis engineers will assess the security of your unstructured data by collecting and analyzing metadata from your environment (file servers, NAS, Active Directory, SharePoint, Exchange, etc.) and give you a comprehensive report identifying high risk areas, exposed sensitive data, out of control processes, and more.
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What Will You Get?

At the end of the assessment, you’ll receive a report that summarizes key findings, ranks identified weaknesses in order of risk, and provides actionable recommendations. You’ll be able to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, highlight low-hanging fruit and high-impact remediation actions.

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